2024-2025 West Hartford Athletics registration
All student-athletes must have a valid physical form on file with athletics to register for sports. Incoming 9th graders and new students need to create an account first before submitting a physical form. Completed physical forms can be dropped off at the high school or emailed to conardathletics@whps.org or hallathletics@whps.org.
Spring 2025 Registration (opens on February 1st)
Registration Information:
Sport Physicals
- An updated physical form must be on file in order to register. Download the form below and mail, email or drop it off to the athletic office For sports, physicals are valid for 13 months.
- Students must use the State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record for a physical. It is available at the link below, in the main office, nurses' office or your doctor's office.
- The physician must check the box on that blue form that states, "This student may participate fully in athletic activities and competitive sports."
- During the school year if there are any major health changes or concerns, student-athletes may be asked to provide updated medical clearance.
Other Registration information
- Before signing up: Review the Student-Athlete Handbook and http://concussioncentral.ciacsports.com/.
- Student-Athletes may only register for one sport each season. If you are changing sports, please contact the athletic office.
- If you have registered for a sport previously: Please login with the account that was created to sign up for that sport. Do NOT create another account!
- For the 2024/25 School Year the BOE has set the Pay to Play Fee to $175 per sport with a $700 Family Cap